What’s been happening lately

Lately this is my life: school, puppies, work, job search, puppies, homework, snow, gym, puppies.

They are spoiled.

Did you notice I said job search? Ugh. I guess I have to finally face it that it’s time to button up my big girl pants and find my big girl job. The only problem that I have with that is I have NO idea what that big girl job looks like. Now I know I’m not the only one that comes to their last semester of college and still doesn’t know what they want to do with their life, but it is not the most settling feeling. There is a lot (read: A LOT) of pressure on graduating students these days to find, enjoy, and excel at the first career. As I talk to my fellow students at OSU there are a lot of them in my shoes throwing up their hands and wishing they had more time or answers on their career paths. And this might sound picky (which I know there has to be a limit to my pickiness) but I want to enjoy whatever I end up doing. Patience. Prayers. Indeed.com. That’s what I’m focusing on in the next couple of months.

The thing that is settling is that I know God has a plan for me.

Ministry. Business. Marketing. Fitness. Stay at home puppy mom. <— (Yes I said puppy, mother.)Whatever category I fall into the next couple of months, it will be because it was all in God’s design. Scary. But exciting.


Update on the pups: They have pretty much outgrown their crates so they are now sharing the bed with us. Meaning Dylan and I now only have 1/4 of the bed. And my legs hang sideways of the bed. Oh the sweet joys…


“No more kisses, mom!” – Gracie

“Your face… it tastes so good.”

“Stop with the pictures” – Pace

P.S. Yes we HAVE been riding our bikes to school in the 10 degree weather and I have excelled in locking the back brake to do this cool slidey-trick-thingy.

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